Club Information
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Dripping Springs!
Dripping Springs

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m.
Flores Mexican Restaurant
2440 Hwy 290
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
United States of America
(512) 858-2221
(512) 900-2918
We meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at noon. Flores Mexican Restaurant on Hwy 290 just east of Dripping Springs.
February 2025
Club Officers
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Interact Officers
Dripping Springs High School Rotary Interact Club
The Dripping Springs High School Interact Club is currently re-forming for the 2020-21 school year.  Stay tuned for further updates as new officers are elected. 

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Dripping Springs, Texas. Please take a look around our site to learn about our club and about Rotary International.  If you would like to look into membership, suggest a project, or are interested in speaking to the club, please contact us here.

The Rotary Club is a service organization focusing on local and international needs. Our local activities include:

  • Supporting the DS High School Interact Club
  • Providing annual scholarships to DS High School students
  • Sending students to the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA)
  • Supporting the local food bank, Helping Hands
  • Sponsoring children through Project Elf  (via Helping Hands)
  • Highway litter Clean up on Ranch Road 12 several times per year
  • Helping The Burke Center, home for disadvantaged boys, with repairs and improvements as needed
  • Hosting an annual dinner and dance tribute to all veterans on Veteran's Day
  • Founding sponsor of Patriot's Hall, the new home for our local veterans
  • Supporting Rotary International's Polio eradication project through “Pints for Polio”
  • Providing a safe parking alternative during the DS Founder's Day weekend by providing shuttle buses from the high school to the Founders Day event

To pay for all of this we raise funds through dues, and various fund raisers. All of our activities are open; we have no secrets and we are proud of who we are.  We enjoy our Rotary membership and seek to support our community and the greater good through service.  After all, the motto of Rotary is "service above self," and we seek to embody that.

Home Page Stories
The Rotary Club of Dripping Springs will once again be hosting a dinner and dance on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2023 to honor all of our local veterans.  The event is free to all veterans and their families.  It will be held at the Dripping Springs Distilling event center, 5330 Bell Springs Road, Dripping Springs, Tx 78620. 
The event will include a taco bar catered dinner, a brief program honoring our veterans, and live dance music from the Cornell Hurd Band.  Doors open at 5pm, dinner is served starting at 5:30pm, and the band will play from 6-8pm. 
All veterans are invited and urged to attend.  It is our way of saying Thank You for your service to our country. 
A giant thank you to the many sponsors that made our 2022 Veteran's Day event successful.   I think everyone in attendance had a good time, a good meal, and great entertainment from the Cornell Hurd Band.  In addition, we raised over $7000 to help furnish the new Patriot's Hall.   Please let the sponsors know that you appreciate their support.  Thank you!! 
The Dripping Springs Rotary club will once again be hosting our annual Veteran's Day Dinner and Dance on Nov 11, 2022.  This years event will be held at the Dripping Springs Distillery on Bell Springs Road.  See the attached flyer for more details. 
Sponsorships are available for local businesses or individuals that would like to help support the event.   Any money raised beyond the cost of the event will be donated directly to the Patriot's Hall to purchase furnishings for the new veteran's building.  Call, text, or email us if you would like to contribute. 
Joe Peterson (  512-413-0636
The Rotary Club of Dripping Springs and the Interact Club of DS High School completed a joint service project to clean up litter along RR12 in Dripping Springs.  At least 28 bags of trash were collected, along with a large amount of concrete cinder blocks that someone had dumped along the shoulder of the highway.  We had 19 members in attendance, working from 8am-10am on Saturday morning to clean the 2 mile stretch of highway from the intersection of RR12/Hwy290 to the cemetery at RR150. 

2021 Veteran's Day Dinner and Dance

Contact:Joe Peterson
 Dripping Springs

Dripping Springs Distilling

Dear Dripping Springs Neighbor,

Every day we meet our service men and women on the street, but how often do we tell them how much we appreciate their service to our country? 

With great pleasure we are announcing an opportunity for our community to show its appreciation for our country’s Veterans.  It has been our honor, as your local Rotary Club, to host an event to pay tribute to our local Veterans each Veteran’s Day.

This year’s event will be on November 11 (Veterans day), tentatively at the amazing Mercer Street Dance Hall on RR12. There will be dinner, and live music provided by the Hot Texas Swing Band. Last year we had to pivot to a drive through event and this occurrence is not yet completely ruled out (stay tuned).

We are currently seeking sponsors for this year’s event.  Please see the attached sponsorship form for the different levels of sponsorships available. 

The funds provided by your sponsorships will help us provide a special evening of food, fellowship and music to celebrate those who have so bravely served us. 

Any funds donated through sponsorships exceeding the expenses for the event will go directly as a donation to the Patriots Hall building fund to help with the construction of a permanent home for our Veteran’s organizations here in Dripping Springs.

Thank you,

Joe Peterson

President, Rotary Club of Dripping Springs


Can we count on your help in making this tribute a success by making a donation to help us thank our Veterans?

Sponsors will receive recognition on the banner, social media, and on our publicity posters. 

Sponsorship Levels:  

Benefactor $1,000    Patron $750    Advocate $500    Friend $250

All contributions will go towards the Veteran’s program and funding of their new building, Patriots Hall. 

Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation is 501(c)3 certified and donations are tax deductible.   

Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation

PO Box 1033

Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Joe Peterson (Club President) 512-413-0636


Please complete the following information if you are interested in helping:

Sponsor Level donation:

Benefactor ($1000) ________

Patron ($750) ________

Advocate ($500) ________

Friend ($250) ________

General donation: (Please describe your, gift cards, merchandise, etc)



Name:____________________________________Company:___________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________ Telephone:___________________________Email:____________________________________

Please send checks to:

Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation 

P.O. Box 1033 Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Thank you, 

Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation

Our Veteran's Day 2020 event was successful in spite of the Covid-19 virus.  We had over 75 veterans 'drive-thru' to pick up their gift bags.  A special thanks to the Dripping Springs fire department for bringing their ladder truck with the giant American flag and for running the cheering section as the veterans drove by. 

2020 Tribute to Veterans Sponsored by Dripping Springs Rotary Club



With the risk of Covid-19 this year, we are not able to host our traditional dinner and dance for local veterans and their families. However, we definitely want them to know that we appreciate and remember them.


In place of our regular event, the Dripping Springs Rotary Club will be hosting a ‘drive thru’ recognition event on the afternoon of Veteran’s Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2020. The drive thru will be decorated with American flags, a banner in recognition of their service, and lots of red, white, & blue. ‘Thank You’ gift bags will be given to each veteran as they drive thru. The gift bags will include a Veteran’s lapel pin, a CD from the Hot Texas Swing Band that normally performs at our event, several other patriotic themed items, and gift cards to various local businesses that want to support our Veterans on their special day.


Can we count on your help in making this tribute a success by making a donation of money, gift cards, or merchandise to help us thank our Veterans? We are particularly wanting to provide gift cards for meals and treats at local restaurants since we can’t provide a sit down dinner this year.


Sponsorships are also available. Sponsors will receive recognition on the banner, on the Thank You note inside each bag, and on our publicity posters.


Sponsorship Levels:


Benefactor $1,000


Patron $750


Advocate $500


Friend $250


All contributions will go towards the Veteran’s gift bags and funding of their new building, Patriots Hall.


Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation is 501(c)3 certified and donations are tax deductible.


We really need your help with this as most of the Veteran’s Day appreciation events have been canceled this year. Let’s make sure they know we remember them.


Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation

PO Box 1033

Dripping Springs, TX 78620


Joe Peterson (Event Coordinator) 512-413-0636

Glenn Wash (Club President) 512-585-8652

Please complete the following information if you are interested in helping:


Sponsor Level donation:

Benefactor ($1000) ________

Patron ($750) ________

Advocate ($500) ________

Friend ($250) ________


General donation: (Please describe your, gift cards, merchandise,etc)








Contact Name:__________________________________________________











Please send checks to: For more information, contact:

Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation Joe Peterson (512-413-0636)

P.O. Box 1033 Glenn Wash (512-585-8652)

Dripping Springs, TX 78620



Thank you,

Dripping Springs Rotary Foundation

The 15th Annual Veteran's Day Dinner and Dance took place on November 11, at the new Mercer Street Dance Hall from 5 to 8 pm, with music from the Hot Texas Swing Band.  Despite the cold, wet weather, there was a great turnout for the event. Our Veterans enjoyed food, music, fellowship, and dancing. Thanks to the event sponsors and donations we were honored to present a check for over $5000 to the Patriot Hall building fund to help begin construction on a new building for our local Veteran's groups.
We would like to thank our Sponsors for making this event possible:
Red White and Blue Sponsors
Broadway Bank
Lions Club of Dripping Springs
Prosperity Bank
Freedom Sponsors
Dripping Springs Automotive
Bud Wymore - Candidate for State Rep
Dan O'Brien Law Firm
Deep Eddy Vodka
Allstate - Ed Mena Agency Inc,
Indigo Healing Acupuncture
Judge Tacie Zelhart 
Kimmell Builders Inc
Lloyds Automotive
Malone Diesel
Walt Smith, County Commissioner
Security State Bank & Trust
Sunset Canyon Veterinary Clinic
Sponsors in Kind
Bill Bailey Signs
Hot Texas Swing Band
Mercer Street Dance Hall
Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Light a fire under your club

Light a fire under your clubMembers say they thrive with clear, specific goals and the continuity they