Posted by Pamela Bratton on Aug 25, 2017

Steve Fournier, Executive Director, Burke Center

The Burke Center is a 44 year old residential treatment center.  The Driftwood location is on a 55 acre ranch.  The 21 boys in residence are all at a specialized level, which is a high level of trauma.  They have 11 middle school boys and 10 high school boys that are educated under the UT charter school.  They are able to heal and arrange for about 10 boys per year to be adopted.
The Burke Center gives these kids coping skills to deal with their trauma:
* 20 staff members
* 5 Therapists
* Psychiatrist
* Pediatric care
In the 16 months that Steve has been ED of the center, many volunteers and community organizations have supported the center to improve the buildings and grounds.  Here's some of the projects:
* Volleyball Court
* Kitchen renovation
* Dorm renovation
* Culinary Arts kitchen and program
* New donations room
* New round pen/barn
* Outdoor cooking area
* Transition home for boys 18+ who have transitioned out of their care
The wish list that needs help:
* 2nd transition home
* Chapel - the drawings are being done now
* Increased horse therapy program (our Wendy Eichorn involved in this)
* New chicken coop
* New used vans
* Barn repairs
Why a transition home? Because it is the right thing to do!  The state stops funding when a child turns 18, yet often they are not ready for the world nor are they equipped with how to secure a job, and care for themselves.  The transition home is that gateway.  The center will have 2-4 boys eligible for the transition home within 1-2 years, the oldest boy ages out in April 2018.  The cost is $200K if you bought it, but the community stepped up and built it for $90K.  The first resident of the home, Shannon has a job at HEB and is thriving.
How can you help?
* Volunteer for the barn repair that Wendy Eichorn and Tom Glass are leading the charge for.
* Volunteer time or skills
* Donate
For more information

Steve "Coach" Fournier

Executive Director

Burke Center For Youth


"It Is Better To Build Children Than To Repair Adults"