Posted by Pamela Bratton on May 22, 2018
DS Rotary Club Board Meeting of 5-21-18
Attending:  Karlon Cox, Ashley Tullis, Sharon Collier, Howard Lott, and Pam Bratton
* No treasurer report given
* Foundation report by Karlon reflects a balance of $21,503.27.  Expenditures this month will include $4K in scholarships
* Scholarship recipients, Brooke Krenek and Colton Shelly will be recognized at the school ceremony and will be presented the actual scholarship upon receipt of their class schedules. 
* The board agreed that Charlie's handbook project should be more of a procedural manual as our policies are outlined in our by-laws.
* The board agreed that we need some type of red-badge program for new members that really immerses them in club activities, committees.
* Discussed the possibility of dividing the admin position into 3 parts: Webmaster, Newsletter publisher and then general admin.  Discussed the possibility of producing the newsletter only monthly instead of weekly. 
* Karlon is working on finding a caterer for the June 23 changing of the guard party at Ledge Stone.
* Karlon reported that Robert is working on the Foundation by-laws and after that is complete, they will consider adding the additional member recommended by the club.